7:34 PM


At my church on Sunday Morning before Sunday School we share prayer requests. This to me is one of the most important time of our church service. What better thing can we do for someone than pray?
As I listened this morning I could not tell you how many people have cancer. Some have known and we were just updating how they are but the most of them were new cases. Cancer does not have any preferences as to who it touches. From the smallest of children to the aged.
I have often wondered why they can not find a cure for this terrible sickness but I do know that God is in control of it and can heal it if it is his will. We also wonder why some are healed and some are not. I do not have an answer for that either but once again God knows what he is doing. I do not know of anyone that has not had this intrude on their family or friends or just someone they know. I have first hand knowledge of how it hurts to hear of a brother or brothers having just found out they have it. I have friends that have dealt with it and have lost friends to it.
We can go and talk with them, cook for them, carry them to doctors or treatments and any number of other things needed but to stop everyday and pray for them is the best medicine that we as humans can give. Also praying for the care givers who have to watch their loved ones suffer. Praying for wisdom and strength to carry on everyday not knowing what it may hold. God wants to hear from us and he listens. We may think that he is taking to long or not doing enough but he is always right on time and never a mistake is made.
I think that God uses things in our lives to get out attention or to make us just look up to him and rely on him. I do not think that God uses sickness to punish us. At times our sickness may be to help someone else. We all go through things that we do not understand but God can use us to uplift others.
Lets all stop and pray that we will be the prayer warrior we need to be. I know that I could do better and if we are all honest with ourselves we could all say that we need to do more about hitting our knees in prayer for others. We need to all band together as Christians to fight the fight against sin. We need each other and he wants us to love one another as he loves us. So sickness or no get down on your knees and uplift all your loved ones, friends, church members, co-workers and just the world in general to our loving father who can handle all we need.
God is good all the time....all the time God is good. Praise him and let him know you love him.