4:30 PM


I was reading a friends blog earlier and she was talking about blessings. It made me stop and think about mine and how important it is to thank God for them.
I think that we all take time to pray for things we need or for the health of a friend or family member(which is the one most important thing we can do) but do we ever stop to think about how many times we should stop and take time to just thank God for all he does for us? I know that some of my best times spent in prayer was when I was just telling him how much I love him and how much I appreciate all he does for me, my family, my friends and church members.
In the time we are living in right now there are so many people that need prayer even more than ever before because of sickness or being out of a job. I know that we need to pray everyday for all the needs but when you think about it God knows what we need and want before we ever know ourselves. So it is nice to just say thank you Jesus, I am not coming to you for anything except to tell you how much you mean to me and how thankful I am to be a member of your family and have all the wonderful things you give me and the blessings you have sent to me like my husband, children, grand children, friends, church members, our preacher and his family, a home to live in, groceries in the cabinet, cloths in the closet, living in America and how the list could go on and on.
I had complained to someone once that I was so bad to start praying at night and get so sleepy and can not hold my eyes open. She told me that her mother told her once (and she was a Godly women that has now gone on to be with Jesus)that you could talk to God at night and thank him for all his goodness and in the morning and all through the day tell him all your requests for family and friends and things needed. Once again he all ready knows but he wants us to love him enough to ask. I have tried it many times and it is a good feeling to go to sleep thanking him for just being God.
Another thing that has always been impressed on my mind is when a prayer is answered PRAISE HIM FOR IT. Let him know that you know that he is the one that did this wonderful thing for you. We have to praise him for ALL Things,the good the bad and the indifferent. Then share with someone what wonderful things he has done for you. Let him know that you are not ashamed to tell everyone about his goodness.
If you have never tried just talking to him and thanking him, stop and do so as soon as you can. He is so worthy.
Thank you God for everything but mostly for sending your son Jesus to die on the cross for all of our sins.
Count your blessings, count them one by one.