11:20 AM

Tom's Birthday

Yesterday Heather and I took Tom to Cherokee for his birthday. We went last year so this was our second annual trip. We did not do as much this year because money is tighter and it was hot but we had a good time.
Tom and Heather were with Fonzie Bear as he showed off his fancy car. They wanted to ride but he was in a hurry. Ha! I really made them do it because I wanted the picture. Heather and I have always been Muppet fans. Last it it was Bert and Ernie. I am also a Tom and Jerry fan so Tom had to suffer through that. That swinging bridge gets Heather everytime. Some of the boards are starting to need repair so I hope they do it before we go back.
The mountains were beautiful as always. I drove this time so I did not get a chance to take as many pictures. I take them out the window while we are driving. Not sure why he did not feel like driving but I did not mind.
I love my husband and love to do something for him that he likes to do. So I hope you had a wonderful birthday Papa. I will love you always.