8:27 PM


Sir Aden looks very comfortable on our bed and thats because he thinks it is his....We are allowed to sleep there with him.
Aden was given to my husband by our oldest daugther Tamara, who breeds small dogs. We call him Tom's "heart dog" because she gave it to him after he had a heart attack. We have never had an inside dog and I would have never beleived we would but there is the proof in the picture.
Aden is a Cavilier King Charles Spaniel. He is a very loving dog and likes to be cuddled and petted often.
Saying Aden is spoiled is no where near the truth...he is rotten. We have both contributed to spoiling him.
I have really enjoyed having his company since I have been out of school for the summer. He follows every step I take. When he hears Pop come in from work he goes wild. He runs to the glass door and waits until he gets to the porch then he is at the front door scratching to let him in.
I know some people think that it is crazy to love an animal like we love Aden but he has our heart and I am thankful that we have him. THANKS TAMARA!!!!!!!!!
8:05 PM


Carson Hart Daily Condrey
Carson has been with us for nearly eight years. I always wanted a big long haired cat and everyone I ever got turned out to be what I call a barn cat.
I was shopping for my grand daughters birthday present and stopped in at Goody's. There a lady was giving cats away. B-97.3 was broadcasting from Goody's and she had given him one, the sales lady had one and they were so cute till I could not resist. I knew that my husband does not like cats but I wanted him so bad.
Carson is around thirteen pounds and has beautiful long hair that is solid black.
No one in the family likes him except Heather and me. He is not a very social cat but I love him anyway.

7:57 PM

About Time

I have not updated my blog for ages......As I have said I am not very good at this.
I am very glad it is summer and school is out. I have not really done anything exciting but just being at home is nice. Spending time with friends with no set schedule is great.