6:19 PM


I am so glad the parts of my house that I did not get painted this summer is getting done. I am not much at painting and I am sure not good at doing the trim work. I have been waiting since August to have the bedroom finished. Some of the baseboard and one window is all that is left and we can hang the pictures.
I went shopping yesterday and when I came home the kitchen was just about finished. I was so excited. If the weather stays bad maybe the rest of it can be finished tomorrow. I am going to have a throwing away when I start cleaning. I am so like my dad was and am an A number one pack rat. I always think that I might could use that some day and I hate to throw it away. I really have way too much stuff stored away that just needs to go. I am working on it in my mind so that it will not be as hard when the times comes. I get fussed at all the time by many different people for being such a keeper of junk. Hey who knows I might make a major change in my life at an older age but I would not hold my breath. I think that I should get an T for trying.
I admire all those people that keep everything just where it is suppose to be and throw things away without a second thought.
Like I said I am hoping that with the painting I will get inspired.